Dear Reader/Tutors and Supervisors,
On 3/26/20, a new checkbox was added to the Reader/Tutor Timekeeping App which will allow Reader/Tutors to indicate when Paid Administrative Leave has been approved by the supervisor and taken as it relates to COVID-19 and Berkeley’s shelter-in-place directive.
Here’s a summary of when COVID-19-related Paid Administrative Leave can be taken (it’s the same as other populations) and some additional details:
When an employee is unable to work (onsite or remotely) due to the employee’s own COVID-19-related illness or that of a family member;
When an employee is unable to work because the employee has been directed not to come to the worksite for COVID-19-related reasons and/or the worksite has implemented a COVID-19-related remote-work program or is under a shelter in place order and it is not operationally feasible for the employee to work remotely;
When an employee is unable to work because a COVID-19-related school or daycare closure requires the employee to be at home with a child or dependent, and it is not operationally feasible for the employee to work remotely or in conjunction with the childcare commitment.
If someone is submitting a timesheet for a past period that they have not been paid for yet because they are submitting their time late, they can only enter C-19 back to 2/1/20. Prior to that, there was no COVID-19 related leave available.
COVID-19 Paid Admin Leave will be displayed on the employees pay statement as:
RVN - REG Paid Leave-Hourly for hourly-paid employees (for both biweekly and monthly)
For more information about Paid Administrative Leave (COVID-19) Guidelines, refer to Berkeley’s People and Culture website
The number of hours employees can use is prorated based on their appointment and can be taken intermittently:
The total Paid Admin Leave allowance is 128 hours for each full-time employee. IF a student who works 4 hours per week has a 10% assignment (4 hours divided by 40 hours in a full-time week) and therefore will receive 10% of the allotment, or 12.8 hours total.
It’s important to note that employees/student workers and supervisors are responsible for tracking the usage of Paid Administrative Leave that is taken, based on their eligibility.
When you need help
We’ve updated the Reader/Tutor Timekeeping App job aidto help illustrate how this checkbox is used along with some helpful hints.
Your regional HR Partner, Generalist, and/or Payroll team is also available to assist you.
Plans to transition Reader/Tutors to the CalTime system are still on track for the next semester (beginning with Summer Sessions). Please let me know if you have any additional questions or how we can help further.